A Cruise Boat on Idaho's Beautiful Lake Pend Oreille – Lake Pend Oreille Cruises www.lakependoreillecruises.com
Bonner County Historical Society and Museum http://www.bonnercountyhistory.org/ If you're interested in the past, people, places, and peculiarities of beautiful Bonner County, Idaho, you've come to the right place.
Bonner County Library District https://www.facebook.com/ebonnerlibrary
Sandpoint Parks & Recreation http://www.cityofsandpoint.com/parksrec/
Bonner County, Idaho – US Census Bureau ‘Quick Facts’ http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/16/16017.html
City of Sandpoint www.cityofsandpoint.com
Bonner County http://www.co.bonner.id.us/
Sandpoint, Idaho Latitude: 48.280717
Longitude: -116.560067
Lake Pend Oreille School Dist. www.lposd.org
Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce http://visitsandpoint.info/raves.html
Sandpoint Senior Care and Assisted Living Guide
Senior Housing and Care Resources https://www.seniorhousingnet.com/advice-and-planning
Most Beautiful Town in USA – Rand McNally & USA Today http://www.mostbeautifultown.com/
USA Travel: The five best small towns in America http://travel.usatoday.com/destinations/story/2011/07/The-five-best-small-towns-in-America/49573514/1
Schweitzer Mountain: Editor's Pick: Best-Kept Secret: Sandpoint, Idaho http://www.skinet.com/ski/galleries/editors-picks-2011-2012-resorts?i=55573243&s=3
America's Prettiest Winter Towns - Travel + Leisure Magazine http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-prettiest-winter-towns/12
National Geographic Adventure Towns: http://adventure.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/trips/adventure-towns/sandpoint-idaho/
Top 12 Skiing Villages in the World – World Property Channel http://www.worldpropertychannel.com/featured-columnists/great-destinations/skiing-ski-villages-ski-resorts-vail-whistler-chamonix-winter-park-colorado-innsbruck-austria-taos-zermatt-switzerland-schweitzer-mountain-7553.php
Idaho’s Hippest Mountain Town – Men’s Journal http://www.mensjournal.com/travel/mountain-wilderness/idahos-hippest-mountain-town-20131122
Festival at Sandpoint - www.festivalatsandpoint.com Yearly music festival which performing artists in an outdoor setting on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille.
Sandpoint Farmers Market – sandpointfarmersmarket.com Spring – Fall / Farmers’ Market is located downtown in Farmin Park and around the fountain at Jeff Jones Downtown Square.
Schweitzer Mountain Resort Idaho http://www.schweitzer.com/
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